Total Profit 总盈利
Profit In Pips 总盈利换算成点数
Yearly AVG Profit 每年挣多少钱
This number indicates average profit per year.
Yearly AVG % Return 每年回报率
CAGR 年均复合增长率
It is an appreciation percentage (p.a.).
Sharpe Ratio 夏普比率
It is used to help traders to understand the return of an investment compared to its risk. The ratio is the average return earned in excess of the risk-free rate per unit of volatility or total risk.
Profit Factor 盈利因子
This is a popular indicator. We basically require a value 1.3 or higher.
Return/DD ratio 盈撤比
This ratio is widely used. It is good to also consider a risk (in this case drawdown).
Winning Percentage 胜率
This indicator usually ranges between 40 and 60 %. Even strategy with WP lower than 50 % can be fine – depends on Risk Reward Ratio (Stop Loss vs. Profit Target), i.e. potential loss or win.
Draw Down 静态回撤
It says what is the biggest downswing of capital (equity).
% Draw Down 回撤比例
This index shows what is the maximum percentage downswing of capital.
Daily AVG Profit 日均盈利
Monthly AVG Profit 月均盈利
Average Trade 每单盈利
Precisely, this is an average profit per one trade.
Annual% / Max DD% 年撤比
R Expectancy R预期
It is an average trade with consideration of risk (maximum potential loss of trade).
R Expectancy Score R预期分数
This indicator extends R EXPECTANCY by an average number of trades per year.
STR Quality number STR质量数
Performance metrics developed by Van Tharp; it measures the quality of a trading system. Standard interpretation of SQN is:
- Score: 1.6 – 1.9 Below average, but trade-able
- Score: 2.0 – 2.4 Average
- Score: 2.5 – 2.9 Good
- Score: 3.0 – 5.0 Excellent
- Score: 5.1 – 6.9 Superb
- Score: 7.0 – Keep this up, and you may have the Holy Grail.
SQN Score SQN分数
STR QUALITY NUMBER does not consider the length of testing period and number of trades produced. Therefore, there is also SQN SCORE.
Wins/Losses ratio 盈亏单数比
Payout ratio 回报比例
It says how many times is the average win bigger than average loss.
Z – Score Z分数
It describes the position of a raw score (AVERAGE TRADE) in terms of its distance from the mean, when measured in standard deviation units. The z-score is positive if the value lies above the mean, and negative if it lies below the mean.
Z – Probability Z概率
This is another statistical value – probability arisen from Z-SCORE and Z-distribution.
Expectancy 预期
Deviation 偏差
Exposure 暴露
It says what is the percentage of being in the position in the whole sample.
Stagnation In Days 停滞期
Stagnation In % 停滞期占比
This says what is the maximum percentage of creating new high by equity in time.
Gross Profit 毛利
Gross Loss 毛损
Average Win 毛均赢
Average Loss 毛均亏
Max Consec Wins 最多连赢次数
Max Consec Losses 最多连亏次数